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My 10-year old brother was asked by his theology teacher to write a letter to God and put it on our window. They were told that all prayers are answered through time, they just have to write it and God will know about it. After a day, my brother prepared the letter and secretly hid it on our window. Unintentionally, my granny found it while cleaning. Mom was stunned when she saw my Granny crying and handed her the letter.

We are 6 (siblings) in the family. From the oldest to me (third), we all graduated Valedictorian, the next after me graduated Salutatorian and Eyen (youngest girl) graduated with 5th honors.

“Dear God,

I am not good at school. My Mommy and Daddy are not pleased with my grades. I wish I have better grades even If it’s just like Eyen’s.


I was teary-eyed when Mommy shared it to us. No one in our family ever thought that our brother (in a very young age) was already losing self-esteem and confidence at school, we all assumed that he was so childish and was only concerned with his games, but school.

I remembered this story when I read the news about a young boy who fakes kidnapping just to hide his bad grades at school. Truly school and parents pressures if not properly handled, is very disappointing and depressing and might incur danger to anyone especially to our young ones.


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