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Halloween is just around the corner! It is time to plan for some groovy and spooky Halloween costumes. No one wants to bust a party right? Halloween costumes are often designed to imitate supernatural and scary beings. They are traditionally those of magical and sometimes creepy creatures.

[Photo: Joy Steverwald]

Here are some halloween costumes suggestions from personalmoneystore, holidayentertainingsuite and wikipedia:

For Adults:
Michael Jackson Costumes:
One of the biggest events of 2009 was the death of Michael Jackson, and for fans of the King of Pop, there are all kinds of costume possibilities—from the "Thriller" undead zombie look to the black leather "Bad" video look.

Kate Gosselin
Her highly recognizable hairdo makes Kate perfect fodder for Halloween impersonators.

The Duggar Family
The Michelle Duggar look is easy to achieve with long brown badly-permed hair, a big shapeless dress, and a pregnant belly. Jim-Bob Duggar just needs some frighteningly slicked back hair. For a family ensemble look, kids just need to be dressed up like mini Michelles and Jim-Bobs.

The Octomom
There are a number of ways of pulling off an Octomom costume. Tentacles of some kind, with a doll attached to each, is one way to do it, or construct a baby carrier with eight slots occupied by dolls.

The Vampire
This of course is due to the unbelievably popular 'Twilight,' 'True Blood,' and 'The Vampire Diaries.'

Political Bedfellows
Barack Obama will be an easy choice. For women Michelle Obama and Sarah Palin are strong choices. On the more controversial side, world political leader like Kim Jong Il can be an interesting choice.

For children:
For little ones, Disney is a safe choice (from Hannah Montana to Mr. Incredible). For older kids, popular films like “G.I. Joe” and “Transformers” may be popular for those kids who don’t buy into the whole vampire thing. Optimus Prime, Harry Potter and Snakes Eyes are also incredible choices. Superheroes like Spiderman and Batman are still in and are good options. Others are Witch, Cat, Fairy, Nurse, Ghost, Clown, Angel, Queen and French maids.

With a little imagination and some knowledge on how to uniquely dress up for Halloween and some tweaks on old costumes anyone may still stand out from the crowds.

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