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What does JFGI mean? What is JFGI? What is the definition of JFGI? Why is JFGI in google hot trends today?
JFGI is new acronym coined on the web and it has a straight forward if somewhat ironic meaning when people don’t know what it stands for: just f*&king Google it!
The phrase is used (more likely being used) when someone is asking questions without consulting the Google first. "Just F*ck*ng Google It!" Or unless other people use the acronym in some other meanings.
JFGI is new acronym coined on the web and it has a straight forward if somewhat ironic meaning when people don’t know what it stands for: just f*&king Google it!
The phrase is used (more likely being used) when someone is asking questions without consulting the Google first. "Just F*ck*ng Google It!" Or unless other people use the acronym in some other meanings.
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